Towards our Marist Bicentenary-Marist Blog


Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Br Emili Turú's Champagnat Day Message

This year, our Superior General, Br. Emili Turú is inviting us to participate in a three year preparation period for our Marist Bicentenary celebrations in 2017. He is suggesting we adopt three stages inspired by three icons:

Montagne Year: October 2014 - July 2015

We begin the Montagne year on October 28, 2014, the anniversary of Fr Champagnat's meeting with the young Montagne.  During this year we will reflect on  'the urgency of our mission' and in particular 'the need to direct our mission in a clearer and more decisive way towards the children and young people who are on the margins.'

Fourvière Year: July 2015 - July 2016

We will begin the Fourvière year on July 23, 2015, the anniversary of the day the group of young priests promised to establish the Society of Mary. During this time we acknowledge the fact that 'the Holy Spirit has enabled lay Marist vocations to flourish among us.' Br. Emili reminds us that the last General Chapter 'invited us to a new relationship between brothers and lay people.'

La Valla Year: August 2016 - August 2017

The icon of the third year that will guide us is the house at La Valla,  particularly the lower floor. This recently renovated house has three floors each with its own symbolism. The upper floor, like the upper room at Pentecost, is the space of mission: go and make disciples all over the world ...  the ground floor houses the famous table on our origins, symbol of Marist community. Today it is enriched by the presence not only of brothers, but also of Marist laity, men and women. The third area, the newly renovated underground space symbolises the inner space in each of us, our interiority, the mystical dimension of our lives, the nurturing of which was so fundamental to Fr Champagnat.

Br Emili suggests the icon at the top of this page, which is located in the community chapel of the Hermitage, summarises the spirit of these three years.  If you would like to read the text of Br Emili's video explaining these three years you can do so by clicking here.  If you would like to watch the video (which is too large to download here) you can choose it on our Marist International website.

Do you have any suggestions for us?

Graduate Certificate Course Theme 9: Marist Pedagogy and Spirituality

On 15th May, 2014 we discussed Theme 9 of our Marist Graduate Programme in Adelaide on the topic Marist Pedagogy and Spirituality. Here you can view the PowerPoint prepared for the session and read the handout the participants received.

Australian Marist Publication June 2014

The formal Australian Marist Community is beginning to take shape - an exciting moment for us. Here you can read its latest publication Australian Marist Community News Volume 15.

With best wishes,  John McMahon

Marist Life July 2014 - Leadership and Jubilees

Marist Life May 2014