
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Significant Service

Today we celebrated men who have lived their lives faithfully as members of the Marist Brothers' Religious Congregation for 50 years or more. We do this every year about this time, but this year it occurred to me that our world encourages change and invites people to take on new careers. And while this is often needed and valuable, there are other people who have found their identity and their niche and find they can live life to the full in the way to which they have been called.  People who live religious life acknowledge this to be a gift from God, and in the case of Marists, to be assisted by the witness of the lives of Mary, the mother of Jesus and our Founder, St Marcellin Champagnat. I am honoured to be a Marist Brother and celebrations like we enjoyed today here in Melbourne, with our families and friends, make me even more aware of, and grateful for, this gift for life.  See more photos

Introducing Charism

Creative Minorities