New Principal of the Ltyentye Apurte Education  Centre, Mr Greg Crowe (pictured below) is enjoying his new work. Greg works closely with the Marist Brothers' Community made up Rod Thomson, Bruce Nabbs and Redmond Casey (pictured right). Each Brother has a role at the Centre. On Monday 15th June, Bishop Eugene Hurley blessed the Brother Read Building at the school, named after Br Cletus (Kwementyaye) Read who lived for many years at Santa Teresa and who is buried in the Santa Teresa Cemetery.

Eighteen Brothers gathered at our Province Centre on Sunday 31st May, 2009 to prepare for the coming General Chapter in Rome. Key themes addressed were 1. The Ientity of the Marist Brother 2. The Lay Marist 3. At the Heart of the Charism: Marist Mission and 4. The Sources of the Charism: Marist Spirituality.

We offer our prayers for the family of Peter Schlitz who passed away at home early on Tuesday 28th April. Requiem Mass for Peter was celebrated by Fr John Carnie, College Chaplain and a large assembly of present and past staff, parents, ex students and friends at the College on Friday 1st May.  May Peter rest in peace.