Our First Year as One Province Again-Marist Blog


Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Our First Year as One Province Again

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On December 8th 2012, the two Marist Provinces became one Australian Province once again.  We celebrated this with Mass at St Mary's Cathedral in Sydney.  On December 8th 2013, twelve months later, we came together at Marcellin College, Bulleen in Melbourne for a Eucharist and Picnic to celebrate our year together. This time we gathered as members of the Australian Marist Community which is led by Mr Joe McCarthy.  At our Eucharist we prayed 'that like shepherds, we will by our actions and deeds, give enthusiastic witness to the coming of God among us'.  Given the successful nature of our year, it is clear the Holy Spirit has been guiding our Provincial, Br Jeff Crowe, our other Province Leaders and all in our Marist Province Community to embrace the calls of God in our contemporary world. There is much for us to celebrate and give thanks.

Celebrating Christmas

Celebrating the Year