Marist Family Day Perth, 12 June 2011Today we came together as members of the Marist Family in Perth to celebrate the inspiration of Marcellin Champagnat and those many people who have followed in his footsteps. To know Jesus in the way of Mary is a lifetime project, one which requires a lot of help from each other. Gathering around the table of the Lord provides a great opportunity to come closer to Jesus and to each other. Over one hundered people gathered at Newman College for a 10.00am Eucharist to celebrate our lives as Marists. Amongst those present was Bernadette McCormack, the sister of Sr Irene McCormack RSJ. The McCormack family still lives in Perth. Irene, as a Sister of St Joseph, carried out much of her work of evangelisation in Peru and, as a result, was martyred there on 21 May 1991.
Irene wrote this Morning Offering:
God, my Father, You love me and forgive me, so today I accept all as gift - and ask to find you, Lord, the Giver in the gift. I choose to face life without fear - and to live wholeheartedly in each present moment. May my heart sing today a song of grateful thanks and praise. I am precious in his sight!