
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Easter Triduum

Each year around this time, we celebrate the Easter Triduum, three days when we remember the Last Supper, the passion and death of Jesus followed by his Resurrection.  These pivotal events provide the focus for our faith and give us the inspiration to live our faith wholly and generously.  The volcanic plug shown in this picture is located at the top of Mt Eden in Auckland, New Zealand.  It is freshly mown now, but observers tell us it could still overflow with lava, given the appropriate seismic conditions.  Our lives proceed with their ups and downs, their times of peace and times of disturbance. Yet across the centuries, our Christian beliefs have proved to be based on solid terrain, while always awaiting our further exploration.  May these days provide us with that opportunity to reflect on God's goodness in sending us Jesus. He showed us then, and continues to show us through His Spirit, how to respond to our Father's love.  May you have a blessed and happy Easter.

From Prague to Melbourne

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